
Construction projects moving ahead

Seed welcomes the announcements by various agencies, States and Federal government, acknowledging the vital role the engineering and construction industries can provide to the economy, during the Covid-19 crisis. The Sydney and Melbourne based Seed Engineering team, is moving full steam ahead on two of the largest, upcoming infrastructure projects in both NSW and Victoria. It has been particularly impressive to work with one of our very large project teams, who have transitioned to working from home arrangements, with the minimum of fuss. Proves just how resilient and tough the construction sector is!


Seed grows our project support services

Seed has recently welcomed new engineering support staff to our team. Eva Wang is completing her final subjects in a Bachelor of Engineering (environmental) and will be supporting one of our construction partners and senior Seed staff on projects in Western Sydney.


New partnership to boost our business case expertise

Seed is partnering with our newest associate, Peter Marshall, to boost our expertise in complex transport project management and business cases. Peter brings over 25 years’ of senior project management experience, most recently on the Circular Quay upgrade project. Seed and Peter have previously worked together on transport programs, such as the NSW TAP Tranche 3 program and are looking forward to working together on a range of new transport projects. Seed looks forward to strengthening our services across complex business case development, in conjunction with Peter.

Seed will also be collaborating with Leo Drynan from Rhelm, on a number of transport project economic assessments across NSW. Leo is a skilled economist with a specialisation in transport economics and business case development. Leo and Nina have worked together across a range of road projects together in the past, including the Sydney CBD Alliance and the CBD Fringe program.


Unpeeling the onion, with our future infrastructure leaders

Last week, leadership & strategy facilitator and coach – Ed Riley – led 30 emerging infrastructure leaders through the subtle art of forming and building strong business relationships. The Seed Engineering team networked alongside our friends and business partners from North Projects, Stantec, Douglas Partners, Transport for NSW, Multiplex, Arcadis, AECOM, Edge Environment, Hanson, Jacobs, BG&E, Area3 and Wood & Grieve Engineers, to learn how to unpeel the onion… Who likes bonsai? How about some hunting with a bow and arrow??

Seed will be hosting a follow up event in June 2018 and our next topic will be on story-telling. If you would like to attend our June event, or you wish to nominate a young professionals from your organisation, please contact Karen Lieu via email Karen.Lieu@seedengineering.com.au


VicRoads traffic management services panel prequalification

Seed Engineering is now fully prequalified to provide consulting services to VicRoads, as a member of the panel for traffic management services.

Seed is able to offer a range of services, across a number of transport services, including:

– Traffic transport planning and strategy: Access management, road network and road safety.

– Traffic operations. Analysis, planning & design: Arterial roads, freeways, public transport facilities, traffic signals and traffic facilities.

– Freight and freight vehicle operations: Investigation & reporting and research of intermodal and overseas freight operations.

Seed is looking forward to working with the team at VicRoads and expanding our capabilities in the Victorian market.


North Projects & Seed Engineering partnership

Seed Engineering is pleased to be working in partnership with North Projects, across a number of major transport infrastructure projects. The team at North Projects and Seed Engineering, have a long history of working together and the teams bring complementary sets of technical expertise. This partnership will allow both firms to provide an enhanced service offering to clients, with an even greater depth of knowledge and experience available to draw from, when working together on key transport and infrastructure projects in the future. For further details regarding the North Projects team, visit this link.


Consult Australia Award – Champions of Change

Seeds’ Managing Director, Nina Kilpinen, won the highly commended ‘Champions of Change Female Leadership Award’ at the recent Consult Australia awards night in Sydney.

Nina is passionate about the involvement of women in the engineering consulting and construction sectors; both of which are two of the most male dominated employment sectors in Australia. Womens’ lack of retention and progress in engineering, signals the persistent barriers, the entrenched gender bias and the inequitable pay and promotional opportunities within STEM career paths, particularly for senior women. Recent research from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency indicates that only 12.3% of women are represented in senior management roles in engineering and construction and there is a 26.3% pay gap. Nina is working hard to change the industry status quo, alongside the dedicated team at Seed Engineering.

Nina would like to personally thank the team at Consult Australia, particularly CEO Megan Motto, NSW Manager Matthew Trigg and the Consult Australia Male Champions of Change, for their ongoing support. It is hard to be what you can not see and you have all opened the door to so many new opportunities. Thankyou.